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High School Thoughts

Last night I went to Marshall HS to watch my sister play in a regional softball game. Emma made some great catches in center field and her team played well, but in the end, the other team came out on top.

I remember that feeling well - trying my best, knowing that all the guys I have been sweating with everyday for the last month are doing everything they can to win, but it not being enough.

When I went to Marshall, the school had ~1400 students. While bigger than many HS, we were small in comparison to many of the schools we played and thus I suffered many defeats in my HS sports career. Whether it was football, wrestling, or soccer, we struggled to compete against schools with a pool of student/athletes to choose from that was twice as big as ours.

SMALL SCHOOL BIG HEART was the motto, and I lived it for four years. Sure I lost around 100 athletic contests while at Marshall, but it honestly was never about winning. I would be lying if I said winning didn't feel good and losing didn't hurt, and I would be lying if I said we didn't try our damndest to win, but that is not what it was about for me.

Last night, as I walked towards the sports stadium at Marshall where I had spent so many hours of my life and spilt so much blood, sweat, and tears - last night I remembered what it was all about. As I walked past the turf field I remembered countless football practices in the sweltering summer heat where I learned the limits of exhaustion and the effect of collisions and dehydration on the young mind. As I observed the stands I remembered a few beautiful moments, where hoards of my fellow students and community members packed those metallic rows, hooting and hollering on homecoming evenings, watching us gladiators perform under friday night lights.

Last night I remembered how much of my identity was forged on that field, under those lights. I remembered how many evening after practice I would stick around with teammates and support other sports teams and friends - a perfect excuse to put off school work.

When I think about it, my High School experience really revolved around these athletic contests. My HS friend group remains the band of brothers that I crunched heads with for four years. One of the most influential people in my life thus far remains Lapthorn, the football and weight training coach. And my most vivid and emotional memories from HS remain on that field.

I don't know if I like the fact that sports were so firmly MY WORLD back in HS. When I think about it, I do remember other things from the Marshall days - a few good teachers, a few good books read, a few dances and a few girls - but honestly none of that pulls at my heartstrings and makes me long for days passed like the rubbery smell of astro turf in my nostrils or the wave of cheers running through the crowd.

These days, I think too much importance is placed on sports, at all levels, but especially youths. However, looking back, I learned SO MUCH about myself and the way of the world through HS sports. The community came together around those athletic contests! And it really was SO MUCH FUN!

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