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A Day in the News

I often read a bit of national and global news at some point during the day. Some days the things I see seem superficial or pop-cultural and I don't have any strong feelings other than "wow, celebrities never learn" or "I can't believe this is what sells newspapers". However, some days the things I read almost seem to require some response. Often I respond by thinking, writing, and then sharing what I read and my reflections with others through conversation of social media platforms. Today, a number of things caught my eye in the daily skimm (

Anyone else feel like there is a lot of depression/anxiety/stress/life discontent going around? Anyone else seeing a lot of people walking a knife edge, just keeping their heads above the water?? I see Colgate students constantly diving into a sea of activities and obligations both in and out of the classroom, and I see a lot of people that are very purposeful and fulfilled by their hectic, cluttered lives. It often seems though that if they get sick one week, or something unexpected happens, it can throw off their carefully laid plans and meticulous life schedule in such a way that they don't fully recover for some time.

In general, I see the levels of depression/anxiety through the prevalence of coping mechanisms. So many people around me employ drugs and alcohol to relax their harried minds. So many people gorging themselves on sweets and other unhealthy foods, despite the way such eating habits conflict their ideal body image or their knowledge of nutritional health. And then there is Netflix binging, hours of distracted websurfing or social media browsing, and other sedentary activities.

In general I see a lot of people with two distinct sides, almost like an on/off switch. When the Colgate student is "on", they are generally one of the most productive, motivated, empowered people I have met. When they are "off" they are some of the most listless, lazy, unmotivated sloths I have met.

I believe people around here often contain these very distinct modes or states of being because neither is sustainable. As fulfilling as the hectic and full lives that many students live in the pursuit of resume building and passion following, I think the life style that so many obligations create is just not sustainable. There is too much stress around the logistical planning required to get all the pieces to fit together. In order to survive, we then flip the switch "off" and and do exactly the opposite: no obligations, no motivations, wholesale unproductivity.

The Zikka Virus seems to be causing a bit of a ruckus. Brazil seems to be getting hit the hardest with numerous cases of birth defects resulting from the virus. Now Brazil is dispatching 200,000 troops to go door to door distributing insect repellent, bug nets, and education to the local populace. Living in the US I often feel so distant while reading about epidemics, poverty, violence and so many things that seem to regularly rack other countries. However, this is not always well-founded. The World Health Organization seems to be expecting the Zikka Virus to spread to Central and North America...

Even reading this, I have trouble feeling anything. I still just feel so safe, like my wealth and privelege just wouldn't allow me to be the victim of something like an infected misquito bite.

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