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Panama Papers

This is a great video explaining what the Panama Papers were and why You should care.

Doesn't it seem all too sci fi? I mean, I knew that the system was rigged in favor of the rich staying rich, and I guess I knew that some of the rich were participating in tax evasion and other more nefarious loopholes to keep their excessive wealth from helping anyone but themselves....but the Panama Papers was one of the first and biggest bodies of evidence of just how many people are caught up in illegal money hoarding.

And the important thing is not the specific people involved - although I think it is good the prime minister of Iceland stepped down and things will get interesting if more information comes out on Putin - but the important thing is the glimpse that the Panama Papers give us into the corruption of the system itself.

Robert Palmer in the above Ted video talks about how one can more anonymously start a company than get a library card, and how these companies are often layered to make it more complicated for law enforcement and tax agencies to see who actually owns what.

The more I learn about the system, the more corruption I find ; (

When there are so many people with so little, why do those that have SO MUCH try so hard to keep that money for themselves?

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