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A Few Things

1. Plato - smart guy. Dialogue is divine

2. Partying and the drinking culture is not good or evil. Most of the time, good and evil seem not to exist.

3. College is great - you learn so much. College sucks - they feed you knowledge and in the real world, you often have to find your own food.

4. I wish there was more inter-generational interaction, we all need each other. The young need their elders for protection and guidance, but they also provide an example of youthful excitement, fascination and help the rest of us not take ourselves too seriously. The old start to need the care of the able-bodied as well, but they often continue to be a great source of wisdom and experience. And the middleaged, they have the strength and plasticity of youth and know how to use it! Theres is the job to go out, see the world, do things.

5.. Knowing many people is great, but when you know many people concentrated in one locality, you are forced to walk past them, often with only a wave or some greeting in passing. These constant meetings-in-passing creates a list of past experiences that function as inertia that must be overcome in order to that meet with someone in a deeper more meaningful enviornment.

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